Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unfinished Business, Psychological Stress, and Physical Pain

Yesterday afternoon I bent over to pick up something off the floor and couldn't stand up straight. My back went "out" that quickly. I have a history of back problems, but I haven't had a problem recently because I faithfully swim almost every day and do back exercises daily plus Egoscue exercises. Egoscue will be a blog on another day.

I've pondered about a lot of things I've learned in the past. Dr. John Sarno has books on Healing Back Pain. In there he talks about working on people's backs for 17 years. He began to see a trend. When he assisted in healing the pain in one area, it would just crop out in another part of the back. He determined that the pain was more psychological and until his patients dealt with the underlying causes, they wouldn't heal permanently. I recommend his books to any of you who may be hurting in that way. I also thought about maybe my body was just calling out for a rest. I believe there are no accidents when things like this happen. I believe we have created the energy that calls these things forth.

I also thought about some lessons I learned from Dr. Norm Shealy - a medical doctor who uses a lot of alternative techniques. He has his own clinic with some of these things built in. I had listened to some tapes of his and Dr. Carolyn Myss on becoming your own medical intuitive. In those tapes, Dr. Shealy discussed what he called "unfinished business". This had to do with four different things: anger, guilt, anxiety, depression. So when I have a painful episode, I begin to wonder which of these four is involved because they cause psychological stress which in turn creates physical pain in the body. We were taught to try to get a visual picture of what was going on in the area of the pain.

I had been dealing with a lot of hip joint pain. The visual I got was one of a wolf gnawing on my hipbone. When I focused in on that, I didn't get a "knowing" feeling with guilt, anxiety, or depression, but I did with anger. This really surprised me because I didn't feel I really got angry. But then my third therapist taught me that anger is really just a secondary emotion. Buried beneath that anger is all the hurt and pain that we have stuffed. Stuffed emotions can cause a lot of pain as well as added weight.

These are some important things to look into when we have pain. Pain is just a sign that something is not right. Taking a pain pill doesn't heal the underlying cause, so it will just return. We really need to go within and find the underlying cause and heal that. It would be worth checking out the links on this one. I still will do the back exercises and swimming. I realize I probably still have some frozen gray energy blobs that deserve to be thawed, cried through and healed. This is just another aspect of the healing journey.

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